Sunday, February 24, 2008

Test #5 Study Guide w/ Answers. Be ready for the test tomorrow!!!

1. What style of art was Claude Monet most associated with?
2. What theme is John Stuart Mill best known for in his writings?
“The worth of a State, in the long run, is the worth of the individuals composing it”
3. What did the model of the universe that Galileo and Newton embraced most was associated with?
The science of mechanics
4. What was the purpose of the Napoleonic Code?
To give stability to France following the Revolutionary time period. It protected the private property and the authority of husbands within the family.
5. What are the stages of the Thirty Years War?
Bohemian, Danish, Swedish, French
6. Which monarch’s policies will lead to the “Defenestration of Prague”?
Ferdinand, Archduke or Styria
7. Prior to the factory system, how did production of manufactured goods increase?
Expansion of cottage industries in the countryside
8. What group of people did not benefit a great deal from Great Britain’s industrial revolution?
small landowners
9. What was the leading industry in Great Britain in the early and mid 19th century?
10. Significance of Madame de Pompadour (mistress of Louis XV).
Participated in politics and used the monarchy for personal gain
11. Mercantilists would be most in support of this type of policy.
Development of colonies
12. Where did Calvin have the most influence during the Reformation.
13. What will help to stimulate the industrial growth in Western Europe in the mid-nineteenth century?
expansion of transportation system
14. Which Western European country experienced the greatest degree of political instability in the nineteenth century?
15. The first political use of the terms “right” and “left” was first used?
The seating arrangements in the French National Assembly
16. Which country in Western Europe had the largest population in 1763?
17. What effect did the industrial revolution have on the largest cities of Western Europe?
Increased availability of what had been luxury foodstuffs, sensationalist tabloid newspapers covering both national and international news, significant numbers of workers responsive to socialists ideology, and increasing nationalism among the urban populations.
18. What was the main tenet of the Anabaptists?
Adult baptism
19. What was Adam Smith’s opinion concerning competition?
He believed that competition was socially beneficial.
20. What benefit came to peasants in conquered territory from the Napoleonic system?
Freedom from manorial obligations
21. What ideas came from the Luddites?
They wanted to break and destroy all of the new textile frames and engines.
22. What will be one of the great changes caused by the demographic shift in the late sixteenth- and early seventeenth-century Europe?
Price inflation and a decrease in real wages.
23. What was the philosophy of the Utilitarianists?
“The greatest happiness for the greatest number”
24. Where did women find the greatest opportunity during Great Britain’s late nineteenth-century industrial revolution?
Domestic service
25. What type of society was Karl Marx after?
A classless society
26. What factor accelerating the British government’s repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846?
Irish Potato famine
27. What factors lead to war in the eighteenth century?
Dynastic claims, balance of power considerations, commercial rivalries, policies of territorial expansion.
28. Erasmus Christian humanism?
The application of Renaissance scholarship to questions of ecclesiastical and moral reform.
29. What was the Mississippi Bubble in relation to France?
Financial scandal in France involving the Mississippi Company
30. What was the most common disease during the Industrial Revolution?
31. What type of literature did Mary Wollstonecraft publish?
Tracts on liberty and the rights of women.
32. What was an underlining theme of the Romantic movement in early nineteenth-century Europe?
It was a reaction to classicism of an earlier period.
33. How did Prince Klemens von Metternich use the Germanic Confederation
He opposed liberalism and nationalism in Central Europe.
34. Which nineteen-century British MP would Metternich most sympathize with in political philosophy?
Edmund Burke
35. What prevented Poland from being a stable country in the seventeenth century?
Absence of a central authority
36. Why were there disturbances in Belgium, France, German states and Italy between 1830 and 1832?
Because of liberal and nationalists dissatisfaction with the Restoration political order.
37. How did the system of cottage manufactures originate?
To avoid guild regulations.
38. What document stated that the goals of nationalism and socialism were inseparable?
Communist Manifesto
39. How was 1814, 1830, and 1848 important to French Political history?
1814: restoration of the Bourbons, 1830: the July Revolution of Louis Philippe, 1830: the founding of the Second Republic.
40. How did family life change in western Europe during the period 1750 – 1850?
There was an increased importance placed on child-rearing among the upper class.
41. What was the goal of the Congress of Vienna?
Create a balance of power in Western Europe.
42. Primary aim of the Napoleon’s Continental System?
Destroying Great Britain’s economy.
43. Which major eighteenth-century Western European countries battled for mercantile colonies?
England, Spain and France
44. What caused the War of Jenkin’s Ear?
Pressures put on Parliament to relieve Spanish intervention in West Indies trade.
45. What were the methods of the eighteenth-century enclosure movement?
Enclosures were intended to use land more rationally, enclosures were aimed at gaining greater commercial profits, enclosures brought turmoil to the social life of the countryside, enclosures increased food production.
46. What was the Corvée?
The annual tax increase levied against nobles in France.
47. Significance of the Crystal Palace Exhibition of 1851.
Celebration of British technological and economic dominance.
48. What did the Concordat of 1801 do?
Elevated the symbolic importance of the Catholic church in France.
49. What group in Great Britain were most strongly opposed to the Corn Laws in 1846?
Wealthy landowners
50. What demographic shift took place during the industrial revolution in Western Europe?
Dramatic shift of population to urban areas.
51. What was the common theme among nineteenth-century Utopian socialists?
Advocacy of social and economic planning
52. What was important prerequisites for Great Britain’s industri­alization in the mid-eighteenth century?
Innovations in agricultural techniques and increases in food production

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Extra Credit Opportunity

Write a one page biography of one of the following people by January 7th at the beginning of 8th hour. You will receive 25 extra credit points to start the semester on a good foot. You can choose another 19th or 20th Century figure if you so choose.

Napoleon, Queen Victoria, Count Cavour, Curie Marie, Charles Darwin, Charles Dickens, Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx, Adam Smith, Giuseppe Garibaldi, Simon Bolivar, Rudyard Kipling, Benjamin Disraeli, Viscount Palmerston, Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Lenin, Winston Churchill, Adolph Hitler, William Ewart Gladstone, Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan, Mikhail Gorbachev, Benito Mussolini, Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

Mr. Hjort